1986 to 2024

Beethoven: “The Poison That Is In Me”

Grippingly intelligent…terrifying in its realistic portrayal of evil…the redemptive love between the two main characters remind us that individuals can still bring about seismic change for good where people feel overwhelmed and disempowered.”
Dr Alison Platt, Counsellor, University of Liverpool.

FILICIDE-SUICIDE: The killing of Children in the Context of Separation, Divorce and Custody Disputes
“Many children would be safer if there were fewer bureaucratic responses to these tragedies and more original and perceptive thinkers like O’Hagan contributing to this important area of practice.”
Chris Goddard, Monash University, Victoria.

The Verdi Solution
“An epic read…deeply disturbing…morally courageous…”
Margaret Fawcett, Family Therapist and Counsellor

Competence in Social Work Practice, 2nd Edition
“Covers areas such as mediation, child abuse, mental health, learning difficulties, working with families and risk analysis. The case studies illuminate complex issues.”
Yashi Shah, Director of Social Care, Lambeth Council.

Identifying Emotional and Psychological Abuse
“What is excellent about this book is the detail of observation of children in the cases presented.”
Robert Sanders, Senior Lecturer, Swansea.

Cultural Competence in the Caring Professions
“One of the best books on cultural competency that I have come across.”
Mark Rivett, Editor, Journal of Family Therapy.

Competence in Social Work Practice: A Guide for Students and Professionals
“A particular strength of the book is that it bridges that vital gap…between theory and practice”
Angie Bartoli, Senior Lecturer in Social Work

The Abuse of Women Within Childcare Work
“The book is an honest and uncompromising exploration of women at the receiving end of the childcare system.”
Ruth Lavery, Senior Lecturer in Law, Queen’s University, Belfast.

Emotional and Psychological Abuse of Children
“One of the most clear and informative presentations that I have encountered on this topic” – Laura Jo Smith, Cornell University, NY State.
“An excellent book, sensitively written…covering many aspects of work with children and families.” – Jean Schooling, Director of Social Work, Broadmoor.

Working With Child Sexual Abuse
“The awful complexity [of this challenge for social workers] didn’t become apparent to me until I read Working With Child Sexual.”
Dr. John Collee, The |Observer.

Crisis Intervention in Social Services
“O’Hagan strips away the romanticism and illusions that have surrounded crisis work for too long.”
John Pierson, Staffordshire University.